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  • Writer's pictureJonathan Teuscher

Up Your Game With Visuals

Has your company ever thought about one of the best ways to improve interest in your companies’ content and help your companies brand maybe your product's brand as well? Does your company have an interesting story to tell and your audience to read? Visual storytelling is going to be the answer if you had one of these two thoughts above.

You might be asking yourself what is this crazy guy talking about? Well, I am going to tell you what visual storytelling is and how your company could implement it. Visual storytelling is telling a story using visuals as the primary source. Here are some ways below that you could use it for your company:

1: Telling your company’s story

One way to get people to get to know your company and build a connection with your customer by telling them who you are and where you're from. You could just have a tab on your website that plenty of companies have called “about us” with a lot of words and a lot of people don’t read or you could have visuals that tell the consumer. These visuals could include something like a timeline of important companies' events or maybe make a video about your company. A company that did a really good job of doing this is Lego who made a short film on their company’s history by using animation. (Video below)

Lego did an awesome job telling their story many companies may not be able to do what Lego did because of budgets but there are other simple ways to being just as effective. Just having visuals whether it's just some pictures of your company’s history or some graphics like a timeline will go a long way for your company to build a connection with your customer.

2: Social Media

Who isn’t on social media these days from Facebook to Tik Tok there are many ways to connect with your target audience by using the correct media? Posting short videos or pictures of your company on those platforms since they are all made for visuals excluding Twitter. These are amazing to see influencers complete your brand and product or maybe see a shoe from a small company that made you want to buy.

This Hey Dude show advertisement from Facebook is a good example of them visually telling that their shoe is so light that they float. As a company, you don’t need anything fancy to tell your point just a well-thought-out and a visually appealing advertisement or post on social media can go a long way.

Using social media to tell your story can allow people to get to know your company since it’s a personal way of communicating. With good content, people will share it and by getting people to share your posts you’ll be more known as a company and brand.

Visual storytelling is super beneficial for companies to do and keeps people engaged and develops a connection with the consumer. This might be one way to up your company’s game by visual storytelling but there are so many other ways as well check out this blog post on business certificates to learn more ways to help yourself learn something new as well as you’re your company.

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